Priscila Vansetti

  • Brazil

Priscila Vansetti is vice president of biologicals & business development at Corteva Agriscience. She was previously the director of global strategy and business development at DowDuPont, a merger of Dow and DuPont, and former president of DuPont do Brasil. She joined DuPont in 1981 in São Paulo, where she held management and leadership positions in Latin America. She relocated to Wilmington, DE, where she served in a variety of leadership roles in Agriculture research and marketing.

She was appointed business director, DuPont Canada Company, and relocated to Ontario, Canada in 2008, where she led the business expansion in the Canadian market. Upon her return to the United States in 2013, she was named director, strategic planning with responsibility for the development of global Agriculture business strategy and growth acceleration initiatives in high growth emerging markets in Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. She was appointedpPresident of DuPont do Brasil in 2015, relocating to São Paulo, Brazil, and to her current position in 2017, when she relocated to Indianapolis, IN.

Over the years, Ms. Vansetti served on the Boards of the American Chamber of Commerce in Brazil, CropLife Canada, and the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association. Currently she serves on the Board of Directors of Suzano Pulp and Paper in São Paulo, Brazil and the Board of Directors of The International Center of Indiana, in Indianapolis, IN.


Vansetti joined the Dialogue as a Member in 2017. She currently serves as a member on the Dialogue’s Board of Directors.


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