

Maureen Meyer

  • Mexico

Maureen Meyer directs WOLA’s Mexico program with a special focus on analyzing US-Mexico security policies and their relation to organized crime-related violence, corruption, and human rights violations in Mexico. She promotes justice for human rights violations in Mexico and also carries out advocacy work regarding U.S. security assistance to Mexico through the Merida Initiative. As part of the program she co-directs WOLA’s work on border security and migration and advocates for greater protections for migrants in transit through Mexico and in U.S. borderlands.

Meyer is a member of the Mexican-based Collective for Analysis of Security with Democracy. She has extensive experience addressing human rights, security cooperation, border security and migration issues and works closely with various human rights and migrant rights organizations and networks in the region.

Before joining WOLA in 2006, Meyer lived and worked for five years in Mexico City, primarily with the Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center. She was an International Development Fellow with the Catholic Relief Services in the Dominican Republic and also served as the Mexico Country Coordination Group for Amnesty International.

 Meyer was an event speaker at The Dialogue



No News is Not Good News: Combating Pervasive Violence Against Journalists in Mexico

1155 15th Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC

Mexico’s Security Crisis: What Lies Ahead for AMLO?

1155 15th Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

Combating Corruption in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities

1155 15th St NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005

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