Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics



Matias Spektor

  • Brazil

Matias Spektor is an associate professor, associate dean and co-founder of Fundação Getulio Vargas’s School of International Relations. He is the author of “18 Days: when Lula and FHC united to win Bush’s support” (18 Dias: quando Lula e FHC se uniram para conquistar o apoio de Bush – 2014), “Kissinger and Brazil” (Kissinger e o Brasil – 2009), “Azeredo da Silveira: a testimonial” (Azeredo da Silveira: um depoimento – 2010). He was a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics (2009), the Council on Foreign Relations (2010), and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2012). In 2013, Spektor was Rio Branco chair in international relations at King’s College London. More recently, he has published articles in periodicals such as Foreign Affairs, Journal of Democracy, Cold War History, and The Nonproliferation Review. In addition to signing a weekly column on foreign policy for Folha de S. Paulo, Spektor has published in The New York Times and in the Financial Times. Matias Spektor holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

Spektor joined the Dialogue as a Member in 2020.


New Leadership in Argentina & Bolsonaro’s First Year

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Bolsonaro & Trump: What Lies Ahead for Brazil-US Relations?

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Washington, DC 20005

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