Joyce Chang

  • United States

Joyce Chang is Chair of Global Research at J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan’s 920 research professionals are located in 26 countries and study all sectors in which the firm does business, including equities, fixed income, currency and commodities, emerging markets, derivatives, and structured finance. The global research team has been named the top global research firm for 2017 and 2018 by Institutional Investor. From 1997 through 2012, Joyce held top rankings in Institutional Investor surveys for Emerging Markets research, earning 25 #1 individual rankings.

In 2014, she was inducted into the Fixed Income Analyst Society Hall of Fame. Joyce was a Managing Director at Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers prior to joining J.P. Morgan Chase in 1999. She serves on the Board of Directors of Trickle Up and Girls Inc. and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Inter-American Dialogue. She is the Senior Sponsor for J.P. Morgan’s Corporate and Investment Bank Women on the Move Network, the network for employees of Asian heritage (AsPIRE) and Nonprofit Board Service. She has been named as one of Top 25 Most Powerful Women in Finance by American Banker since 2012.

Joyce received her B.A. from Columbia and serves on its Board of Visitors. She earned a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton and serves on its External Advisory Council for the Center for Public Policy and Finance.


Chang joined the Dialogue as a Member in 2000.



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