Jennie K. Lincoln

  • United States

Dr. Jennie K. Lincoln is The Carter Center’s principal advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean since 2015. She has been a credentialed international election observer in twenty-three elections in Latin America, including six with President Carter (Nicaragua 1990, 1996 and 2006); and two with the Organization of American States (Ecuador 2013 and Bolivia 2014). A highlight of Lincoln’s return to The Carter Center was the engagement with the Colombian peace process. The Carter Center was included by name in the Peace Accord for tasks including monitoring Punto Dos (Chapter 2 on Political Participation; formulating the Misión Electoral Especial and the separation of the FARC child soldiers from the conflict. Most recently, she led The Carter Center’s International Electoral Expert Mission (IEEM) to Venezuela (November 2021), led the Center’s IEEM to Colombia for the presidential elections (May-June 2022) and participated in the Center’s (IEEM) for Brazil’s elections (October 2022).

In addition to her academic career, Lincoln has a distinguished record of consulting for the US government, nongovernmental organizations, the Organization of American States, the United Nations, and private sector companies with her expertise in Latin American Politics and US Foreign Policy. She received her PhD in Political Science from The Ohio State University and taught previously at Miami University (Ohio). Lincoln was a Fulbright Professor in Costa Rica from 1984-86 and was the Associate Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Program at the Carter Center (1989-1991) before going to teach at Georgia Tech.

Lincoln was an event speaker at the Dialogue.


Commemorating Jimmy Carter’s Legacy in the Americas – How President Carter Advanced Democracy and Human Rights in the Region

United States Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20037

Between Radicalization and Prospects for Change in Nicaragua

Hybrid Event:
Inter-American Dialogue (1155 15 St NW, Suite 800, Washington DC, 20005) & Online

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