Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

George Gray Molina

  • Bolivia

George Gray Molina consults on poverty, labor markets and social protection, and public policy reform in Latin America. He is the former Chief Economist at the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean at the United Nations Development Programme, where he was lead author of Multidimensional Progress: Well-Being Beyond Income (2016), a regional human development report. He is currently the head of strategic policy engagement for the UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support.

In his home country of Bolivia, he was Head of the Bolivian Ministry of the Presidency’s economic think-tank and Coordinator of the Catholic University’s Public Policy Master’s Program. Gray Molina holds a BA in anthropology and economics from Cornell University, an MPP in public policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and a PhD in politics from Nuffield College, University of Oxford.


Gray Molina joined the Dialogue as a Member in 2008.


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