Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Gabriela Frías

  • Mexico  
  • North America

Gabriela Frías is a Mexican journalist with more than two decades of experience. Frías is currently the anchor of CNN en Español’s Panorama Mundial, the network’s primetime news program with an in-depth review of the most relevant events in the world.

In 2020 Frías moved to Mexico City from Atlanta, where she was based, to take the helm of the Redacción México newscast, and in 2022 took on Mercado México, a show that covered topics related to startups and entrepreneurship, multinational leaders, digitalization and business trends, sustainability and energy transition, among others.

Prior to that, Frías was international and Latin American financial news anchor on CNN for more than 13 years, interviewing world leaders, reporting on global financial issues, traveling to high-level events, such as the G-20 in Mexico and the World Economic Forum in Davos. She is recognized as a leader in business journalism in Latin America. She has interviewed presidents, ministers, and high-level financial and economic authorities, including Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, former Director General Dominique Strauss-Kahn during the financial crisis; and an exclusive interview with Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunnus.

Frías graduated with honors from the Carlos Septién School of Journalism in Mexico City. He speaks Spanish, English and French.

Frías was an event speaker at the Dialogue.


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