Felicia Knaul

Felicia Knaul is the director of the Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas and a professor at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami. Knaul is an international health expert in Latin American health systems and social sectors. Knaul is also a full member of the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, where she contributes to research and teaching in cancer and global health as well as catalyzes the University’s research presence throughout the Americas, focusing on policy development. Her research focuses on global health, cancer and breast cancer in low-and-middle-income countries, women and health, health systems and reform, health financing, access to pain control and palliative care, poverty and inequality, gender equity, and female labor force participation, and children in especially difficult circumstances. Knaul serves as the Chair of the Lancet Commission on Gender-based Violence and Maltreatment of Young People. She has held senior government posts in Mexico and Colombia and worked for bilateral and multilateral agencies, including the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and UNICEF. 

Knaul was an event speaker at the Dialogue. 


ONLINE EVENT: Media and Democracy in the Americas V – Surviving Journalism in Latin America

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