Elizabeth Dickinson

  • United States

Elizabeth Dickinson is the senior analyst for Colombia at International Crisis Group (ICG) and has served in this position since 2019. Her work centers around armed conflict dynamics in the country and the implementation of the 2016 peace accord between the Colombian government and FARC guerrillas. Previously a journalist, Dickinson first reported from Colombia in 2011, covering topics including criminal and armed group violence, illegal mining, migration, and national politics.

Dickinson previously served as ICG’s Senior Analyst for the Arabian Peninsula, where she lived for 8 years focusing on the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council. She focused extensively on Gulf countries’ foreign policies in the Middle East and Horn of Africa.

Prior to joining International Crisis Group, Dickinson worked for a decade as a journalist, including roles at Foreign Policy magazine, The National, and The Economist. She holds a degree in African and International Studies from Yale University.

Dickinson was an event speaker at the Dialogue.



Building Peace in Colombia: Five years after the end of the FARC conflict

Online Event

ONLINE EVENT: Waiting for Peace – Violence Against Social Leaders in Colombia

Online Event

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