Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Carolina Jiménez Sandoval

  • Venezuela

Carolina Jiménez Sandoval is the president of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA). Prior to WOLA, Jiménez Sandoval worked at Amnesty International where she was deputy research director for the Americas in Mexico City. In her almost seven years there, she led a team of researchers documenting human rights violations and designing advocacy strategies to guarantee respect for human rights. Her work included a wide variety of themes and countries, from addressing grave crimes under international law in Venezuela and Nicaragua to promoting the rights of migrants and refugees in Central America, Mexico and the United States. Prior to that, she was program officer for the Open Society Foundations’ Latin America Program and International Migration Initiative where she led the creation of CAMMINA (the Central America and Mexico Migration Alliance), a donor collaborative funded by OSF, AVINA and the Ford Foundation to support migrants’ rights organizations in the region.

Jiménez was an event speaker at the Dialogue.



ONLINE EVENT: The Venezuelan Judiciary and Crimes Against Humanity: Justice or Impunity?

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ONLINE EVENT: The Changing Face of Migration in the Americas

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