William F. Maloney is chief economist for the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region at the World Bank. Maloney, a US national, joined the Bank in 1998 as senior economist for the Latin America and Caribbean region. He held various positions including lead economist in the Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America, lead economist in the Development Economics Research Group, chief economist for Trade and Competitiveness and Global Lead on Innovation and Productivity. He was most recently chief economist for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions (EFI) Vice Presidency. From 2011 to 2014 he was visiting professor at the University of the Andes and worked closely with the Colombian government on innovation and firm upgrading issues.
Maloney received his PhD in Economics from the University of California Berkeley (1990), his BA from Harvard University (1981), and studied at the University of the Andes in Bogota, Colombia (1982-83). His research activities and publications have focused on issues related to international trade and finance, developing country labor markets, and innovation and growth, including several flagship publications about Latin America and the Caribbean.
Role at the Dialogue: Event Speaker