Beatriz Borges

  • Andean  
  • Venezuela

Beatriz Borges is a lawyer, academic and human rights defender from Venezuela. Since 2014, she has served as the executive director of the Justice and Peace Center (CEPAZ), a non-profit organization that promotes and defends democratic values, human rights, and a culture of peace. Borges is also an associate professor and researcher at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, where she collaborates with other universities in Venezuela and abroad.

She is an active public speaker and has addressed the United Nations and the Inter-American System bodies to denounce human rights violations and demand respect for international norms and standards. Borges works tirelessly to raise awareness of the situation in Venezuela among decision-makers at the international level, seeking to improve the international response to the crisis.

Borges has a master’s degree in political action and citizen participation from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y Francisco Vitoria in Spain, a major degree in human rights from Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar in Ecuador, and a professional certificate in US law and methodologies from New York University. Her primary areas of work in advocacy and research include the international human rights system, gender equality, human mobility, political participation and human rights, peace, and democracy.

Borges was an event speaker at the Dialogue.



What’s Next for the International Response to Venezuela?

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