Álvaro Botero

  • Colombia

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Álvaro Botero is a non-resident senior fellow with the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Washington College of Law of the American University and a senior research associate of the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) of the University of London.

Botero is a consultant for various international organizations. Botero served as member and vice chair of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW). Previously, he led the work on migrants, refugees, and forced displacement of the Secretariat on Access to Rights of the Organization of American States (OAS). He also worked as a coordinator for monitoring at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), where he was also a Senior Specialist of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Migrants.

Botero has a recognized record of human rights monitoring and advocacy in the Americas, especially regarding the protection of migrants, refugees, stateless persons, victims of human trafficking, and internally displaced persons. He has worked hand in hand with several national authorities, international organizations, and NGOs, and frequently writes for specialized publications. He is a Colombian lawyer from the University del Norte (Colombia) and has a master’s degree in Advanced Studies on Human Rights from Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain).



ONLINE EVENT: Legal Identity, Nationality, and Name of Children on the Move in the Americas


ONLINE EVENT: OAS Declaration on Migrant and Refugee Children in the Americas 


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