Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics



Alejandro Ganimian

  • Argentina

Alejandro Ganimian is a non-resident fellow with the Education Program at the Inter-American Dialogue and an education post-doctoral fellow at J-PAL South Asia, where he is responsible for setting a research agenda for education and human development, and developing new projects that contribute evidence to this research program.

Prior to joining J-PAL in 2015, Ganimian was a consultant for the American Institutes for Research, the Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE), Mexicanos Primero, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Bank. He worked previously at the Dialogue as part of the Education Program.

Ganimian co-founded Enseñá por Argentina, an effort to recruit the country’s top college graduates to teach in schools serving disadvantaged students, and Educar y Crecer, an initiative that offers remedial education to low-income children in the city and province of Buenos Aires. He serves on the Advisory Board of Proyecto Educar 2050, an organization that advocates for quality education in Argentina.

Ganimian holds a doctorate in quantitative policy analysis in education from Harvard University, where he was a fellow in the Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and Social Policy, a master’s in educational research from the University of Cambridge, and a bachelor’s in international politics from Georgetown University.


Press Mentions

La Argentina no matricula a muchos más alumnos en la secundaria que otros países de la región. Según la UNESCO, la tasa neta de matrícula secundaria es de 82%, comparada con 83% en Chile, 74% en Colombia y 78% en Perú.

Alejandro Ganimian

Las evaluaciones internacionales básicamente son herramientas en su mayoría comparativas e interpretativas entre los países, que permiten medir la calidad educativa.

Alejandro Ganimian

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