Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

The Battle for Bolivia

8:30am – 9:00am

Panel Discussion 
9:00am – 10:30am


Event information

One month after a disputed election, Bolivia remains in a state of convulsion. Following weeks of protests and an OAS audit that showed serious electoral irregularities, President Evo Morales resigned under pressure from the armed forces. An interim government led by former senator Jeanine Áñez must now convene new elections within 90 days, but its short tenure has been marked by threats of recriminations against Morales allies and the deaths of nine protestors. Morales, now exiled in Mexico, has promised to return to Bolivia, with Áñez warning he will face justice if he does.

What happened in Bolivia, and what will happen next? Will elections be convened as required by the Bolivian Constitution, and what is required to make them free and fair? What steps should Bolivian leaders and the international community take to prevent further polarization and violence, and what challenges await the next government of Bolivia?

To analyze recent developments and discuss these questions, the Inter-American Dialogue is pleased to host “The Battle for Bolivia.”

Follow this event on Twitter at #BoliviaBattle and @The_Dialogue.


Ambassador Carlos Trujillo

US Permanent Representative, Organization of American States (@USAmbOAS)

Ambassador Jaime Aparicio

Former Bolivian Ambassador to the United States (@JaimeAparicioOt)

Marcela Escobari

Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute (@MarcelaEscobari)

John Walsh

Director for Drug Policy and the Andes, Washington Office on Latin America (@John_WOLA)


Michael Camilleri

Program Director, Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Inter-American Dialogue (@camillerimj)


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