On April 16th, the UN International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) announced an investigation into a customs fraud scheme, known as “La Línea.” With dozens of arrests and accusations reaching the highest levels of government, the scandal has roiled Guatemalan politics and badly shaken the government of President Otto Pérez Molina. There have been mounting protests against corruption and demands for reform. While some have urged that the September 6th presidential elections be postponed and have called for Pérez Molina to leave office early, others have insisted on adhering to the electoral calendar. In either case, broad sectors of civil society share a commitment to fundamental reform.
The Inter-American Dialogue and Oxfam America are pleased to present a discussion on the political outlook and path to reform in Guatemala.
Eduardo Stein
Former Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala
Board Director, Inter-American Dialogue
Juan Alberto Fuentes Knight
Former Minister of Finance of Guatemala
Board Chair, Oxfam International
Michael Shifter
President, Inter-American Dialogue