Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

ONLINE EVENT: Outlook for Peru’s Troubled Democracy


11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Washington, DC

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM



Event information

Election Runoff

On June 6, Peruvians will vote in a presidential runoff to choose between leftist union leader and teacher Pedro Castillo of Peru Libre and right-wing former legislator Keiko Fujimori of Fuerza Popular. Recent polls show that while Castillo continues to have a lead, the race is tightening, with the difference now within the margin of error. According to the latest Ipsos poll, nearly a quarter of Peruvian voters are undecided or would vote blank. In the final stretch, both Castillo and Fujimori have sought to moderate their positions and move towards the center, seeking to capture undecided voters, assuage doubts over possibly extremist policies, and convince the Peruvian electorate that they can provide governability. 

In the context of an economic and health crisis and increasingly precarious politics, with both candidates rejected by most Peruvians, what is the country’s outlook? What would a Castillo or Fujimori administration mean for Peru? What are the implications for democracy, governance, stability, economic growth, and social progress? 

The Dialogue is pleased to welcome three top experts to analyze the key factors that will shape the final outcome of the election and share their thoughts on the main challenges facing the next administration that will begin on July 28.  

Follow this event on Twitter at #ElectionsPeru and @The_Dialogue

We invite participants to submit questions using the Q&A function in Zoom OR to email questions to

Watch the event here: 


Michael Reid

“Bello” columnist & senior editor for Latin America and Spain, The Economist (@michaelreid52)

Adriana Urrutia Pozzi-Escot

President, Asociación Civil Transparencia

Alberto Vergara

Professor, Universidad del Pacífico



President, Inter-American Dialogue (@MichaelShifter)

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