Chinese Investment in Latin America: Environmental Perspectives

8:15am – 8:30am

Panel Discussion
8:30am – 10:30am

This event will be held in Spanish.


Event information

As in previous years, China’s 2016 finance to Latin America was largely directed toward extractive industries and infrastructure projects. Chinese foreign direct investment in the region has also continued to focus on these economic sectors, despite some evidence of diversification. Concerned about the environmental and social implications of continued investment in extractives and large-scale public works, Latin American civil society organizations and local communities are seeking closer relationships with Chinese actors. In some cases, they have found a promising tool in the environmental and social guidelines recently developed by the Chinese government. 

The Dialogue’s Latin America and the World Program, Boston University’s Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI), the China-Latin America Sustainable Investment Initiative (IISCAL), hosted by the Bank Information Center in Washington, DC, CooperAcción (Peru), and the Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN, Argentina) are pleased co-sponsor a discussion of the successes and enduring challenges associated with promoting transparency and accountability among Chinese entities in Latin America. In addition to analysis of China’s 2016 loans and investment in the region, panelists will discuss their own efforts to work with Chinese companies and organizations in Ecuador, Peru, and Argentina. 


Rebecca Ray
Researcher, Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI), Boston University

Paulina Garzón
Director, China-Latin America Sustainable Investment Initiative (IISCAL)

Julia Cuadros Falla
Head, Chinese Investment and Gender, CooperAcción (Peru)

María Marta Di Paola
Coordinator of Economic and Environmental Policy, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN, Argentina)


Michael Shifter
President, Inter-American Dialogue

This event will be held in Spanish.
A light breakfast will be served before the event.



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