This post is also available in: Español
In partnership with the World Bank, this event will be held in Spanish with English and Portuguese interpretation.
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has been hit by a triple curse during the pandemic: a health, an economic, and an education crisis. In the education sector, LAC endured one of the longest spells of school closures. In the region, an entire generation of students – approximately 170 million – were fully deprived of in-person education for roughly one out of two effective school days to date.
Although many schools have reopened their doors, the educational crisis is not yet over but has simply become less visible. Despite significant efforts from all countries, not all of the region’s students have returned to class and millions have lost so much in terms of learning that they are at risk of abandoning school altogether. Projected and actual learning losses are very high, and more severe for early grades, younger children, and students from vulnerable socioeconomic backgrounds. They will also translate into a significant decrease in earnings and productivity, and greatly affect the quality and relevance of skills for the labor market, constraining the long-term growth potential of the region. Psychosocial health and well-being have also been greatly affected.
Although educational recovery has already started, the gravity of the crisis requires comprehensive and sustained action. Recovery must focus on two essential strategies: the return to school and the recovery of learning losses. These strategies have resulted in a Commitment to Educational Recovery that was launched last June 2 by the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the Inter-American Dialogue, with the support of several Heads of State in the region.
This webinar will present the results of a report jointly prepared by the World Bank and UNICEF, in collaboration with UNESCO and the Inter-American Dialogue, which aims to make a significant contribution to this great challenge and Call for Action by providing an updated diagnostic on the impact of the pandemic on the education sector and clear directions for action to LAC education policymakers, based on responses to date.
Follow this event on Twitter #ReaperturaEscolar, @PrealEd, @WBG_Education, and @BancoMundialLAC.
We invite participants to send questions through the Q&A function on Zoom.
Read the Report
2:00 PM – 2:10 PM |
Opening Remarks
Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Education Program, Inter-American Dialogue, (@arielfiszbein) Carlos Felipe Jaramillo, Vice President, Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank (@CF_Jaramillo) Youssouf Abdel-Jelil, Deputy Regional Director at UNICEF Latin America and Caribbean
2:10 PM – 2:30 PM |
Presentation of Report: Two years after: Saving a Generation
Emanuela Di Gropello, Manager, Education Division, Latin America and Caribbean Region, World Bank
2:30 PM – 3:22 PM |
Panel Discussion
Daniela Berkowitz, Asesora de Gabinete, Ministerio de Educación, Chile Cinthya Isabel Game Varas, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Ecuador Gabriela Castro de Búrbano, Coordinator of the Great National Campaign for Education in Guatemala Daniela Trucco, Senior Social Affairs Officer, Social Development Division, ECLAC
3:22 PM – 3:30 PM |
Closing Remarks
Jaime Saavedra, Global Director for Education, World Bank (@JaimeSaavedra22) Claudia Uribe, Director Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO (@claudiauribe18) Moderated by: |