Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

ONLINE EVENT: The Road Ahead – Next Steps After the Ninth Summit of the Americas


2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Washington, DC

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Los Angeles



Event information

Last week the Ninth Summit of the Americas took place in Los Angeles—the first time the gathering was held in the United States since the original event in Miami in 1994. President Biden advanced US goals on a set of specific proposals focused on the hemisphere.

The Summit featured a call from President Biden for progress on issues including democratic governance, economic development, climate change, and migration. Biden also used the gathering of Western Hemisphere leaders to announce the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, an effort to drive growth. The United States and 20 partner countries launched the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, a new framework for managing migration.

Assistant Secretary Nichols will discuss the progress made during the Summit and the steps that lie ahead. Questions will include:

  • What lies ahead and how will the US commitments be translated into action?
  • Will the Summit lead to successful reengagement with the region?
  • Do the Biden administration’s announcements signal a significant change in US policy towards the region?

Follow the event on Twitter at #AfterTheSummit and @The_Dialogue.

We invite participants to submit questions using the Q&A function in Zoom OR to email questions to

Watch live here:


Brian A. Nichols

Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs (@WHAAsstSecty)


Rebecca Bill Chavez

President & CEO, Inter-American Dialogue (@RebeccaBillChav)

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