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Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Latin America faced the challenge of ensuring that all schools had highly qualified and motivated teachers oriented towards student learning. With the advent of the pandemic, this challenge has been exacerbated. During 2020, education systems in the region made great efforts to maintain continuity in the education process through the implementation of distance education models and, in a few cases, through partial school openings. In 2021, several countries gradually implemented hybrid or blended education models, and a few achieved entire school openings.
These reopening processes revealed multiple challenges: the impact on students’ learning and emotional health, the increased dropout risks, and the widening of learning gaps. The ability to meet these challenges and successfully implement reopening processes depends on having sufficient teachers with the necessary competencies to support students.
Against this backdrop, it is worth asking how education systems in Latin America have adapted to support the teaching population. This event will present the results of the new report on teacher policies in the context of pandemic and will explore the following questions:
- What actions have been implemented in the region to ensure working conditions for remote working and the return to in person?
- What training and support programs and actions have been implemented or are planned to support teachers in implementing distance, hybrid, and in-person education models in the context of the reopening?
- What actions have been taken or are planned in the medium term for the recruitment and selection of new teachers?
Follow this event on Twitter at #PolíticasDocentesEnPandemia and @PrealEd.
We invite participants to send questions through the Q&A function on Zoom. This event will be held only in Spanish.
Associate Professor, Universidad de Los Andes and Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Inter-American Dialogue
Principal Researcher, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Peru
Director of Schools, Government of Mendoza, Argentina
Executive Director, Empresarios por la Educación, Guatemala
Director, Education Program, Inter-American Dialogue
The Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence is a network that aspires to promote the professionalization of the teaching field so that all children and young people can count on the support and guidance of an excellent teacher.