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The pandemic has created difficulties for measuring early childhood development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Traditional methods for measuring the growth of children are no longer feasible as it is impossible to visit households in person.
Because of these obstacles, many countries in the region have looked for new ways to assess childhood development remotely so that they can acquire information about how the pandemic has impacted this age group and plan informed interventions.
This webinar is part of a series of events organized by the Regional Network to Measure Childhood Development (REMDI). During this webinar, we will discuss the results of Gabriela Guerrero’s report on the multitude of surveys that have been created and implemented in the region to measure the impact of this crisis on childhood development.
Follow this event on Twitter #EvaluaciónDesarrolloInfantil and @PrealEd.
Please RSVP to receive information on how to join the webinar. We invite participants to send questions through the Q&A function on Zoom.
Senior Researcher, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE), Peru
Director, National Educational Program in Chile Crece Contigo at the Ministry of Social Development, Chile
Executive Secretary, National System for the Integrated Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents, Mexico (@ricardobucio)
Regional Advisor, Social Policy, Latin America and Caribbean, UNICEF LACRO (@mrubio_UNICEF)