Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

ONLINE EVENT: Power in Brazil – Energy Policy Post-Election

Washington, DC 
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Brasília, Brazil
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Event information

As Brazil’s former president Ignacio Lula da Silva currently leads the polls for the upcoming Brazilian presidential election runoff, many question what another Lula administration would mean for the future of the country’s energy and climate policy. At the same time, after incumbent Jair Bolsonaro exceeded polling expectations in the first round, the energy sector’s future looks even more unpredictable. 

In this expert panel, we will explore the outlook for energy and climate policy in Brazil following election results. The discussion will focus on topics like hydroelectricity dependence, management of Petrobras, market liberalization, renewable auctions, fuel pricing policy, climate commitments, and deforestation. For more information and a list of speakers, see the agenda below. 

This event is part of series of conversations analyzing what to expect from Brazil after its electoral cycle. On November 7, the Dialogue will host an event breaking down the elections results as well as discussing what lies ahead for Latin America’s largest democracy. More information on this series can be found on the Dialogue’s event page 

We invite participants to submit questions through the Q&A function in Zoom or by emailing 

Opening Remarks & Moderator

Daniela Stevens

Program Director, Energy, Climate Change & Extractive Industries, Inter-American Dialogue (@EnergyCC_IAD)


Roberto Ardenghy

CEO, Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás

James Ellis

Head of Research for Latin America, BloombergNEF

Décio Oddone

CEO, Enauta (@Decio_Oddone)

Camila Ramos

Founder and Managing Director, Clean Energy Latin America (CELA)

Watch the event recording here:

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