Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

ONLINE EVENT: Educational Connectivity in Complex Areas – A Call to Action to Solve Connectivity Gaps in Latin America

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Washington, DC & Santiago

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Bogota & Mexico City

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Buenos Aires & São Paulo

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Event information

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This event will be held in Spanish with Portuguese interpretation.

The launch of the call to action Educational Connectivity in Complex Areas – A Call to Action to Resolve Connectivity Gaps in Latin America highlights the critical areas in which the regional agenda for educational connectivity in complex areas should be framed. Building on the efforts of the Technology and Innovation in Education Working Group and in the context of efforts to achieve educational recovery and transformation, the objective of this call to action is to initiate sustained and scaled efforts of commitments in the region that promote solutions in a systematic way to drive the expansion of connectivity for educational purposes. 

Despite significant progress in expanding access to educational technology in recent years, connectivity, especially in vulnerable urban and rural areas, continues to be an obstacle. 32 percent of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean, or 244 million people, 46 million of whom live in rural areas, do not have access to the Internet. The virtuality forced during Covid-19 highlighted the significant shortages faced by a significant number of households and schools and, consequently, the relevance of having connectivity – with adequate and regular speed, sufficient data and access to affordable devices – for educational purposes.

A challenge of strategic importance such as the extension of meaningful connectivity for educational purposes throughout Latin America requires multi-sectoral and coordinated efforts. With this in mind, this call to action promotes a joint initiative of leaders from the public and private sectors, as well as multiple civil society actors to address the challenge. 

Follow this event on Twitter #MeaningfulConnectivity, @PrealEd, @WBG_Education, @BancoMundialLAC y @el_BID

We invite participants to submit their questions through the Q&A feature on Zoom or by sending an email to


2:00 PM – 2:10 PM


Opening Remarks




Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Education Program, Inter-American Dialogue, (@arielfiszbein)


2:10 PM – 2:50 PM


Panel Discussion




Moderator: Francesco Manetto, Editor, El País América, (@fmanetto)

Leandro Folgar, President, Plan Ceibal, (@leandro_folgar)

Gabriel Gurméndez, President, ANTEL, (@ggurmendez)

Hernán Verdaguer, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Telecom Argentina

Vianna Maino, Minister, Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society of Ecuador, (@vmaino)

Cristieni Castilhos, CEO, MegaEdu


2:50 PM – 3:00 PM


Closing Remarks




Emanuela Di Gropello, Practice Manager for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank

Mercedes Mateo, Chief of Education, Inter-American Development Bank, (@mercedesma3)




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