Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

ONLINE EVENT: A Conversation with Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols on Central America


3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Washington, DC

1:00 PM – 2:15 PM
Managua, San Salvador, San Jose, & Tegucigalpa


Event information

We are pleased to invite you to an exchange with Assistant Secretary Brian A. Nichols on the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to tackle the root causes of migration from Central America to the United States. 

The Administration has engaged governments, civil society, and the private sector to focus on improving governance, strengthening the rule of law, reducing gangs and organized crime, addressing gender-based violence, boosting economic growth, and expanding opportunities for the region’s young people. Their strategic approach focuses on the northern Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. 

The region continues to face daunting challenges. In 2021, more than one million Central Americans left their homes headed northward in the middle of the pandemic. Corruption and organized crime are widespread, and economic opportunities are woefully inadequate. Natural disasters and food insecurity resulting from climate change have become key drivers of migration. In addition, the deteriorating conditions in Nicaragua have led to large-scale migration, complicating the Administration’s Central American agenda. 

Assistant Secretary Nichols will review the progress made to date and the challenges the Biden-Harris Administration’s Root Causes Strategy faces in this environment.  

Follow the event on Twitter at #USCentralAmerica and @The_Dialogue.

We invite participants to submit questions using the Q&A function in Zoom OR to email questions to

Watch live here


Welcome Remarks:

Michael Shifter

President, Inter-American Dialogue (@MichaelShifter)


Brian A. Nichols

Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs (@WHAAsstSecty)


Manuel Orozco

Director of Migration, Remittances, and Development Program, Inter-American Dialogue (@manuelorozco65)

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