Faces of the Latin American Green Wave: From Argentina to Mexico, Leaders Share Their Experiences

Opening Remarks
2-2:15 PM EST

Panel I: Perspectives from Judges and Lawmakers on Reproductive Autonomy
2:15-3:30 PM EST

Panel II: Lessons Learned from the Green Wave Movement in LAC – Activists’ Perspective
3:45-5:00 PM EST

Cocktail Reception & Fact Sheet Launch
5:00-6:30 PM EST


This event has passed. Read the event summary here. 


Event information

The Global North has seen a stark regression in abortion access, exemplified by the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United Sates as well a near total-abortion ban in Poland in 2020. Meanwhile, many countries in Latin America have achieved remarkable advances in the robust liberalization of abortion laws such as the decriminalization of abortion in Uruguay in 2012; the Argentine movement that has been gaining worldwide notoriety since 2018 and that managed to bring about a law legalizing abortion on request up to 14 weeks of pregnancy in 2020; the precedent of the Supreme Court of Mexico that declared the absolute criminalization of abortion unconstitutional in 2021; and the recent court victory in Colombia, led by the Causa Justa Movement, that eliminated abortion from the criminal penal code up to 24 weeks.

The Inter-American Dialogue, Center for Reproductive Rights, Fòs Feminista and the Embassy of Argentina invite you to join a symposium with Inter-American policy makers, judges, activists, and human rights stakeholders as they share the successful strategies used to confront restrictions on reproductive rights in countries across Latin America.

This event will be taking place in-person at the Inter-American Dialogue’s office at 1155 15th St NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005. To register, please click the RSVP button or click here. If you cannot join us in person, please reach out to meetings@thedialogue.org and we will provide you with a Zoom link to join virtually.

Follow this event on Twitter at @The_Dialogue and @ReproRightsLAC.


2-2:15 PM EST


Opening Remarks




Elizabeth Belair, Chief of Staff, Inter-American Dialogue

Ambassador Jorge Arguello, Ambassador of Argentina to the United States

Catalina Martínez Coral, Regional Director, Center for Reproductive Rights 

Luisa Kislinger, Senior Advocacy Officer, Fòs Feminista


2:15-3:30 PM EST


Panel I: Perspectives from Decision Makers on Reproductive Autonomy




Sandra Tirado, Vice Minister of Health, Argentina

Alberto Rojas, Former Justice Of the Colombian Constitutional Court

Karla Berdichevsky Feldman, General Director, National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive Health



Maria Claudia Pulido, Adjunct Executive Secretary, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights


3:45-5:00 PM EST



Panel II: Lessons Learned from the Green Wave Movement in LAC – Activists’ Perspective




Ana Cristina González
, pioneer of Causa Justa Movement in Colombia

Rebeca Ramos, Executive Director, GIRE in Mexico (Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida)  

Marta Alanis, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Argentina



Luisa Kislinger, Senior Advocacy Officer, Fòs Feminista 


5:00-6:30 PM EST



Cocktail Reception & Launch of the Center for Reproductive Rights Fact Sheet – How the World is Faring on Abortion Laws after Colombia’s Decriminalization of Abortion



  Presentation of the fact sheet:


Catalina Martínez Coral, Regional Director, Center for Reproductive Rights


  Commentary:  Mariela Belski, Executive Director, Amnesty International Argentina




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