ONLINE EVENT: Creating a Favorable Environment for Negotiations in Venezuela: Prospects for Resuming Talks and the Role of US Stakeholders

Washington, DC 
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Mexico City
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

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Event information

While recent months have seen quiet progress in talks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition, the formal negotiations process that began last year in Mexico City has not yet resumed. Nevertheless, key stakeholders in the international community remain interested in working to restart these negotiations, with the expectation that they can restore the country’s democratic institutions and lead to a just, peaceful solution to the crisis in Venezuela. In this context, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) are pleased to host a presentation by selected members of the Grupo Experto para Venezuela (GEV): an initiative of the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) that brings together a group of 16 high-level Venezuelan experts based in the country who are committed to promoting ideas for a peaceful, negotiated, constitutional solution to the country’s crisis.

Opening Remarks

Geoff Ramsey

Director for Venezuela, Washington Office for Latin America


Santiago Canton

Senior fellow, Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Inter-American Dialogue


Carlos Valero

Politician of Un Nuevo Tiempo Party, former Deputy of the 2015 National Assembly 

Claudia Curiel

Economist and consultant, expert on the private sector and the political economy of Chavismo 

Mariela Ramírez 

Social activist, member of the Foro Cívico 





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