Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Breaking the Cycle of Violence Against Children in Honduras and El Salvador

9:00am – 9:15am

Panel Discussion and Presentation
9:15am – 10:30am


Event information

The Inter-American Dialogue is pleased to host an expert panel discussion on violence against youth in Central America. In El Salvador and Honduras, over 8 million people, or roughly half the population, are under the age of 24. These young people are growing up and coming of age in a context of violence, with high homicide rates as well as high levels of extortion, gang activity, domestic violence, and sexual violence.

Moreover, experiencing violence in childhood is significantly associated with both violent behavior, and subsequent victimization in adulthood, which affects both families and communities. Finally, violence may trigger emigration, especially in light of inadequate protection or response from local authorities. Today, many young people are fleeing the region in search of safety elsewhere.  

In light of these challenges, the Inter-American Dialogue is pleased to host an expert panel discussion about violence against youth, what it means for the region, and what programmatic and policy options exist to offer protection and lead to better outcomes.

Follow this event on Twitter at #YouthandViolenceCA and @The_Dialogue.


Daniela Ligiero

Executive Director & CEO, Together for Girls (@DanielaLigiero)

Rachel Dotson

Senior Director of Gender and Migration Initiatives, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) (@supportKIND)

Manuel Orozco

Director of the Migration, Remittances and Development Program, Inter-American Dialogue (@ManuelOrozco65)


Michael Camilleri

Director of the Peter D. Bell Rule of Law Program, Inter-American Dialogue (@camillerimj)

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