Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Attacks on Press Freedom in Nicaragua

8:45am – 9:00am

Panel Discussion and Presentation
9:00am – 11:00am



Event information

Since democracy and press freedom go hand in hand, it is no surprise that the dictatorial regime in Nicaragua has been putting enormous restrictions on a free press and instead installing its own, state-run media outlets.
Since the protests erupted in April 2018, the regime of Daniel Ortega has notably intensified its crackdown on independent media. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has openly condemned the escalating attacks on the press, censorship and closure of media outlets and arbitrary detention and prosecution of journalists in the country.
Carrying out independent journalism in Nicaragua has become increasingly dangerous.  Some have resorted to self-censorship. 
Despite the perils of practicing press freedom in Nicaragua, many brave journalists keep fighting.  We are pleased to hold a session featuring two of them: Lucía Pineda Ubau and Miguel Mora. Lucía and Miguel were jailed for more than six months by the Nicaraguan government. They personify the struggle for a free press. Their work has earned them recognition from the Committee to Protect Journalists as part of the 2019 International Press Freedom Awards.  We are proud to partner with the Committee in this event. 

Follow this event on Twitter at #NicaraguaProtests and @The_Dialogue.

Please note that this event will be held in Spanish.


Lucía Pineda Ubau

Journalist, 100% Noticias (@LuciaPinedaU)

Miguel Mora

Director & Founder, 100% Noticias (@MoraMiguel100)


Manuel Orozco

Program Director, Migration, Remittances & Development, Inter-American Dialogue (@Manuelorozco65)


Event Partner


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