Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Event Summaries

A Conversation with the US Ambassadors to the Andean Region

Despite continued tensions among the Andean countries, four U.S. ambassadors painted an encouraging picture of regional stability....

XIII Annual CAF Conference

A detailed review of hemispheric affairs in 2009...

Women Leaders in the Peace-Building Process

Women are integral to the process of post-conflict reconstruction in Latin America. On Friday, January 23, 2009, a panel of four women leaders from Bolivia and Colombia discussed the role...

CMWG: Members of Congress Discuss Challenges Facing Afro-Colombians

The Inter-American Dialogue's Congressional Members Working Group met on September 17, 2008 to discuss the challenges facing Afro-Colombians. The discussion focused on the main challenges that Afro-Colombians face and how...

Latin America: Ready for the Challenges Ahead?

A conference for Washington officials and opinion leaders on hemispheric affairs....

CMWG: Members of Congress Discuss Challenges Facing Afro-Descendants in Latin America

The Inter-American Dialogue’s Congressional Members Working Group met on April 9, 2008 to discuss challenges facing Afro-descendants in Latin America. The event featured Sir Clare Roberts of the Inter-American Commission,...

Women in the Americas: Paths to Political Power

We are pleased to present this report on women in power in the hemisphere. Women in Latin America and the Caribbean are making tremendous strides towards achieving political leadership. In...
Joan Caivano

Business Development and Social Inclusion in Brazil

The Incubadora Afro Brasileira is an organization that challenges the deep-rooted problem of social and economic exclusion of African descendants by providing business training for African-descendant entrepreneurs in Brazil. Giovanni...

XI Annual CAF Conference

The annual CAF conference brings together more than 250 people to discuss hemispheric affairs....

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