Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Event Summaries

Media and Democracy in the Americas VI: Independent Journalism in the Face of Democratic Decline in the Region

Amid the democratic decline in Latin America, independent journalism emerges as a crucial counterbalance, constantly facing risks and challenges. To protect independent journalism, it is necessary to explore collaboration networks,...
Daniel Caballero
Guzmán Pérez

El inglés para la inserción laboral en Guatemala: Evento presenta diagnóstico y recomendaciones para la implementación de una estrategia de fortalecimiento de la enseñanza del idioma inglés en el país

Evento presenta nuevo estudio que examina el estado de la enseñanza del inglés para el trabajo en Guatemala con un enfoque específico en el sector BPO. El informe, elaborado por...

Voices on the Latin American Forum for Educational Connectivity: Interviews

Listen to the contributing voices present at the Latin American Forum for Educational Connectivity....
Lucas Martins Carvalho

Inter-American Dialogue and Microsoft Convene Working Group on Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education to Strengthen Institutional Capacities for AI implementation in Latin America

Inter-American Dialogue and Microsoft, strategic allies on technology and education initiatives, convened a working group to strengthen institutional capacity to develop AI appropriation strategies in Latin American higher education institutions...
Mercedes Davico
Lucas Martins Carvalho
Gemma Givens

New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America

On April 11, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC) to hold the joint event “New Infrastructure—Emerging Trends in Chinese Investment in Latin America,” which centered around...
Yifang Wang

Perspectivas sobre Argentina con un Miembro Fundador de La Libertad Avanza

Para conocer los retos y oportunidades actuales de Argentina al igual que las prioridades de la nueva administración, el 4 de abril el Diálogo Interamericano y el Instituto Republicano Internacional...
Bernarda Jarrín

Perspectives on Remittances in 2024

On February 16, 2024, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program invited representatives from across the remittance industry to discuss the potential for developments in the industry and to...
Patrick Springer

Bernardo Arévalo’s First Month in Office and the Path Ahead for Guatemala

The Arévalo administration in Guatemala confronted a myriad of challenges even before the inauguration, including what Arévalo himself called an attempted “coup” waged by powerful economic and political actors, known...
Bernarda Jarrín

Elections Series – The Future of Venezuela Post-Opposition Primaries

The Venezuelan opposition primaries saw a remarkable turnout, with over 2.3 million voters, resulting in María Corina Machado's victory despite her disqualification by the regime. The Barbados Agreement and the...
Daniel Caballero

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