Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Event Summaries

Second Regional Forum for Early Childhood Development

The Inter-American Dialogue, in collaboration with UNICEF, the University of the Andes, and other civil society partners, co-hosted the Second Regional Forum on Early Childhood Development on September 24 and...
Ariel Fiszbein
Mónica Rubio

Elections Series – Venezuela’s Electoral Conditions in Comparative Perspective

To address the immediate concerns surrounding Venezuela’s upcoming elections, and explore possibilities for a political transition, it is essential to compare Venezuela’s current electoral conditions, outcomes, and post-election risks with...
Daniel Caballero
Sofía Lopes

Mercados eléctricos y la transición verde en Centroamérica

Centroamérica está avanzando de manera significativa hacia una transición energética más limpia y sostenible. Los programas de transición energética y climática, junto con políticas y regulaciones favorables, están fomentando un...
Ashley Rodríguez

Las prioridades de la política exterior de Chile

Chile enfrenta desafíos significativos como la disminución de la confianza ciudadana en la democracia, la crisis climática y migratoria, y el aumento del crimen organizado. Para abordar estos temas, el...
Bernarda Jarrín
Michelle Alas

Catalyzing Private Sector Investment in Clean Energy

Representatives from the Inter-American Dialogue and Deloitte welcomed participants and set the stage by emphasizing the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration in advancing clean energy initiatives. The hosts highlighted the region's...
Ashley Rodríguez

A Fireside Chat with Lourdes Melgar

In anticipation of the Mexican election on June 2, the Dialogue invited Lourdes Melgar; a prominent energy expert and former deputy secretary of energy for hydrocarbons in Mexico, to share...
Ashley Rodríguez

Navigating Corruption: Implications for Venezuela’s Future

Venezuela's presidential elections are taking place on July 28, 2024. While focusing on electoral conditions is essential, whoever governs the country in the next term will do so in a...
Daniel Caballero

The Security Challenge for Democracies in Latin America

Citizen insecurity and illicit economies are serious issues in Latin America and the Caribbean, prompting urgent demands from the public for solutions. In response, mano dura policies have been implemented,...
Daniel Caballero
Sofía Lopes

Is Peru’s Democracy at Risk?

Widespread discontent in Peru has been exacerbated by credible allegations of human rights violations, corruption scandals, and increasing crime rates....
Michelle Alas
Bernarda Jarrín

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