Early Childhood Development Reports


Perú: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

México: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Chile: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Honduras: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

El Salvador: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Uruguay: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

República Dominicana: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Colombia: Informes de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Brazil: Progress Report of Early Childhood Development Policies

Guatemala: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Argentina: Informe de Progreso de Políticas de Primera Infancia

Other Reports

Somos Crianza: A Latin American Coalition of Early Childhood Networks, Officially Launches

National Progress and Funding Gaps in Care and Education Services in Latin America: Findings and Recommendations from the Monterrey Workshop

The Lima Declaration: A Letter of Intent for Early Childhood

ONLINE CONFERENCE: Regional Network to Measure Childhood Development – Advances Made in the Agenda for Measuring Early Childhood in Latin America

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Investment in Early Childhood – The Cases of Chile, Colombia and the Dominican Republic

Aprendizajes sobre mediciones de calidad de la educación inicial en América Latina y el Caribe

Professional Competency Frameworks for Early Childhood Teachers: An Exploratory Study of Five Latin American Countries

Competency Frameworks for Early Childhood Education and Childcare Staff – Regional Sistematization

Results-Based Budgeting for Early Childhood Development – The Case of Peru

Measuring the Impact of Covid-19 on Children under Six in Latin America – Mapping Surveys in Progress and Systematizing Lessons Learned

Foro sobre la educación inicial de calidad en México

Foro sobre la educación inicial de calidad en Colombia

Declaration of the Regional Forum: Towards Quality Early Childhood Education

Construyendo un paquete básico de prestaciones para la primera infancia

Design and Cost of an Early Childhood Care Services Package: The Case of Colombia

Calidad en la Educación Temprana en América Latina

An Agenda for Early Childhood Development

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