Nicolás Albertoni
Nicolás Albertoni is a professor at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and non-resident associate researcher at the University of Southern California’s Security and Political Economy (SPEC) Laboratory.
Nicolás Albertoni is a professor at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay and non-resident associate researcher at the University of Southern California’s Security and Political Economy (SPEC) Laboratory.
Paulina Nazal is director of ProAmérica, an international consulting company that provides support to Latin American enterprises in their internationalization process.
Cristian A. Herrera is a senior health specialist in the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice of the World Bank.
Kulenkampff is a chemical engineer graduated with highest distinction from the University of Concepción, Chile.
Luis Sarrás is Green Hydrogen Managing Director of the International Business Unit of AES Corporation.
Ávila is Chile’s minister of Education and was an event speaker at the Dialogue.
Trucco is the current social affairs officer in the Social Development Division at ECLAC and was an event speaker at the Dialogue.
Minister Huepe holds a MBA from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a MSc in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics from University College, London.
Ávalos is a professor and education researcher at Universidad de Chile and was an event speaker at the Dialogue.
Leguas is the coordinator of the Chile Crece Contigo department in the Promotion and Prevention Division in the Ministry of Social Development and Family and was an event speaker at the Dialogue.
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