Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Civil Society Task Force

The Inter-American Dialogue convened civil society organizations that are implementing initiatives to address the challenges faced by migrant children. These organizations were invited to be part of a process of exchange and collaboration, possibly leading to agreements and commitments to build better synergies and strengthen the voice of civil society actors.

aeioTU, Colombia

Alana, Brazil

Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Mexico

ASIES, Asociación de Investigación y Estudios Sociales, Guatemala

ChildFund, Guatemala

Coalición Brasileña contra la Violencia contra Niños y Adolescentes, Brazil

Diálogo Interamericano

Fundación FEMSA, Mexico

Fundación Baltazar y Nicolas- Copera Infancia, Peru

Fundación Carvajal, Colombia

Fundación Colunga, Chile

Fundación Comunidar, Mexico

Fundación Navarro Viola, Argentina

Glasswing International

IRC, International Rescue Comittee, Colombia

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), International

Plan International, Colombia

Save the Children, LAC

Save the Children, Mexico

Sesame Workshop, International

United Way, Mexico

World Vision, Colombia

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The Inter-American Dialogue Education Program


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