


    Chinese Press on Chavez’s Death

    The following news stories, assembled by former Dialoguer Peng Ruijie, were published in the Chinese press following Hugo Chavez’s death on March 5th. Although the reports offer a variety of perspectives on Chavez, most conclude that little will change with respect to the China-Venezuela relationship. According to most, the results of upcoming elections in Venezuela will have little effect on China’s various agreements and lending arrangements in Venezuela.

    Xinhua News – 查韦斯离世可能产生的影响
    Predicts stability in Venezuela because of Chavez’s appointment of Maduro. States that Maduro has a 60 percent chance of winning in the upcoming elections. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences researcher, Xu Shicheng, notes that even if Capriles wins the election, there will be some continuity in terms of social policy and that Capriles might even try to lead other leftist countries in the region. Xu goes on to say that a Maduro or Capriles government will still maintain good relations with China and will honor Chinese agreements in such areas as energy, infrastructure and finance. The report concludes that the political transition will have little effect on China-Venezuela relations.

    States that Maduro is likely to win in the upcoming election in Venezuela, largely because of Chavez’s legacy. The opposition isn’t strong enough to win in this case. The news report examines other left-leaning nations in Latin America (Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina and some in Central America) and argues that leftist sentiment will prevail in Latin America even after Chavez’s death.

    Xinhua News – 查韦斯逝世后加拉加斯街头状况
    Like many other Xinhua reports on this Chavez’s death, this one focuses on the outpouring of grief among the Venezuelan people and remarks on Chavez’s overwhelming popularity.

    Xinhua News – 拉美传奇查韦斯:当总统”服务人民服务劳苦大众”
    Depicts Chavez as an opponent of American imperialism and a savior for Venezuela’s poor. It also mentions Chavez’s friendship with China, his support of the Chinese Communist Party, and highlights from visits to Beijing.

    Huanqiu News – 查韦斯去世世界各地反映不一 毁誉兼有
    Acknowledges different attitudes about Chavez’s death.  According to the article, some Venezuelans in Florida consider Chavez’s death to be an opportunity for much-needed reform in Venezuela.

    Huanqiu News -专家:查韦斯继任者不会让委中美关系180度转弯
    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences scholar Yuan Dongzhen states that Venezuela’s relationship with China, the U.S., and Russia will remain the same, regardless of the results of the presidential election. If the opposition wins, however, Venezuela may no longer provide oil-related assistance to countries like Cuba and Nicaragua.

    Huanqiu – 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯去世引发“美国阴谋论”
    States that Chavez’s death has increased speculation about U.S. attempts to poison the Venezuelan president during his treatment. Venezuela expelled two American diplomats when Chavez was very ill.

    Tencent – 查韦斯之死对美国能源供求影响有限
    Chavez’s death has a very limited impact on U.S. energy security because the U.S. has become much less dependent on Venezuelan oil imports as a result of technological innovation.

    China News – 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯逝世 接班人遇困境局势不明
    States that Venezuela will hold a presidential election within 30 days of Chavez’s death, but that there is uncertainty with respect to election outcomes. The opposition, according to the article, has a strong chance of winning. Political stability in Venezuela is far from guaranteed.

    China News – 新闻人物:委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(图)
    Highlights elements of Chavez’s life, including his early political career and the Bolivarian Revolution. The article focuses on Chavez’s friendship with the Chinese. The report states that Chavez visited China multiple times and demonstrated solidarity with China over the years.

    China News – 委内瑞拉军方称将捍卫宪法 尊重查韦斯心愿(图)
    A translation of foreign media citing military leaders in Venezuela, who express their respect for the constitution and for Chavez’s legacy.

    China News – 奥巴马声明称有意与委内瑞拉建立“建设性关系
    Quotes Obama as saying that the U.S. is willing to build constructive ties with Venezuela, and to focus on such issues as democracy, rule of law and human rights.

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