Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics


Do Remittances Have a Dark Side in Haiti?

The Context In the last 10 years, Haiti has turned into one of the most remittances dependent countries in the world. Indeed, migrants’ transfers went from 12 percent of GDP...

Haiti’s Turnaround and its Impact on Remittances

Introduction This blog examines the role of remittances on Haiti’s economy. It points to its growing relevance over time, and the dependence on transfers from the US, while describing Haiti’s...

Manuel Orozco

Latin America and the Caribbean: Promoting Rule of Law and Governance Through South-South Cooperation

Latin America and the Caribbean face stubbornly high levels of poverty, inequality, political polarization, violence, corruption and impunity....
Santiago Canton
Michael Matera

Latin America’s Role at COP27: Q&A with Andrés Mogro

An interview with Andrés Morgro, regional manager of the Climate Action Programme in Fundación AVINA...
Andrés Mogro

Transaction Costs in the Post-Covid Era

This blog examines remittance sending costs to eight Latin American and Caribbean countries and considers that the most important reality shaping the money transfer intermediation industry is that is tied...
Manuel Orozco
Danielle Carr

Sergio Massa, the Super Minister: His Own Bet or the Last Chance of Incumbent FDT?

Argentina has an important challenge ahead: avoiding an escalation of the current economic crisis leading to a major social and political turmoil under the government of the Frente de Todos...

Carlos Winograd

A New Strategic Approach for El Salvador’s Economic Development Challenges

El Salvador’s sluggish economy and outdated economic model present serious challenges for the future. Weak economic performance means that life is hard and opportunities are scarce for large portions of...

Manuel Orozco

Creating Alternatives: Cities and Migrant Inclusion in the Americas

Migration is a local phenomenon. Although national governments are key players in crafting policy to address the hemisphere-wide migration crisis, mayors are the ones feeling and dealing with the pressure...
Rebecca Bill Chavez
Manuel Orozco

Sustained Remittance Growth in 2022

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, remittances have become a much more important source of income for many people in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is projected that...
Manuel Orozco
Asha Richards

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