Latin America and the Caribbean: Promoting Rule of Law and Governance Through South-South Cooperation
Latin America and the Caribbean face stubbornly high levels of poverty, inequality, political polarization, violence, corruption and impunity.
Latin America and the Caribbean face stubbornly high levels of poverty, inequality, political polarization, violence, corruption and impunity.
Argentina has an important challenge ahead: avoiding an escalation of the current economic crisis leading to a major social and political turmoil under the government
Migration is a local phenomenon. Although national governments are key players in crafting policy to address the hemisphere-wide migration crisis, mayors are the ones feeling and dealing with the pressure and, in many cases, developing inclusive solutions.
On the night of November 14, Argentine President Alberto Fernández euphorically celebrated an electoral defeat. Earlier that day, in the legislative elections, the ruling Peronist coalition –Frente de Todos– obtained only 33.5 percent of the national vote against 42 percent of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio. Why was the president celebrating, then, apart from lifting the spirits of Peronist supporters?
Ha desatado polémica la reciente visita a Cuba del cardenal Sean Patrick O’Malley, arzobispo de Boston. La llegada del Cardenal a la Isla ocurre justamente a dos meses de las multitudinarias protestas ocurridas en Cuba los pasados días 11 y 12 de julio. Desde sectores del laicado católico, la oposición política, la sociedad civil, y el exilio de Miami, se afirma que se trata de una “operación” de “lavado rostro” al gobierno cubano -con la ayuda de la jerarquía católica local- luego de los acontecimientos de julio pasado, que arrojaron cientos de encarcelados, sobre todo jóvenes.
Argentina’s ruling Peronist coalition -Frente de Todos- came close to collapsing after suffering a humiliating defeat in the September 12 primary elections, when it obtained only 32 percent of the vote nationally, against 42 percent for the opposition coalition, Juntos por el Cambio.
Never before, since the revolutionary triumph of 1959, had there been in Cuba a public protest of the scale of the one that took place last Sunday, July 11. Thousands of Cubans, of
Con la celebración del VIII Congreso del PCC se abre un nuevo ciclo histórico en la Isla, en el corto plazo, marcado por la resistencia a circunstancias adversas. Sin embargo, en el mediano y largo plazo, el nuevo liderazgo compuesto por la generación intermedia, recién llegada al poder, deberá cumplimentar un objetivo central: construir un modelo económico sustentable que traiga prosperidad material e inclusión social al pueblo de Cuba.
Trump nos ha recordado a todos que el gobierno cubano no ha dialogado, no dialoga, ni dialogará con una pistola en la cabeza. Esto, más que un enunciado rimbombante, es un dato histórico luego de 1959. En ese sentido, el camino trazado por Barack Obama con respecto a Cuba, por su clarividencia y capacidad estratégica, sigue siendo el que más convergencia guarda con los intereses de los pueblos cubano y norteamericano.
The country is perhaps more profoundly and bitterly polarized than ever, with a high level of mutual distrust. Trumpism proved not to be a fleeting phenomenon, but a movement that is likely to persist and be part of the US political landscape for some time.
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