Taraciuk Broner: “Either they don’t have the tallies, or they are fabricating them.”

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Tamara Taraciuk Broner, Dialogue’s Rule of Law Program director, spoke with Monocle regarding Venezuela’s presidential election on July 28 2024, and the post-electoral repression 


“What we are seeing in Venezuela today are increasing attempts to repress opposition voices, broadly speaking not just opposition politicians. There are allegations of at least 17 people killed in the context of demonstrations. People, particularly from low-income communities, are receiving threats for supporting the opposition. We are seeing a lot of tension and abuses committed largely by armed pro-government groups that operate with impunity in that country […]”. 

“Tension is increasing, and I think we should be paying attention to what happens in the country and to the reaction of the international community. Interestingly enough what the government is doing is so blatant that they are generating a consensus in the international community to either openly question the electoral result announced by the authorities or those who are trying to mediate and reach a negotiation point with the government trying to ask them to produce the evidence they say they have to support the electoral result”.




Q & A:


¿Qué tan válido ves tú — o legítimo — el temor que reporta la Casa Blanca de que aumente la migración haitiana?


“Una política de seguridad que funcione debe tener dos pilares: una visión punitivista donde quien comete un delito vaya preso, pero con debido proceso y bajo investigaciones por un poder judicial independiente y, por otro lado, una serie de políticas que sean más sociales y preventivas que eviten la comisión del delito.” 

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