

  • Amy Zalman




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Strategic Foresight & Sustainable Development Goals

This publication is the third in a series of newsletters dedicated to raising awareness of global trends analysis and how future scenarios may affect Latin America. It summarizes a report by the UN Economic and Social Council on the importance of strengthening strategic predictive capabilities for policy makers, particularly in developing countries. The report, “Strategic foresight for the post-2015 development agenda,” delineates the priorities of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development. The summary accompanies a presentation by Dialogue senior fellow Sergio Bitar to the commission in May 2015 in Geneva, designed to complement the main ideas and proposals in their report. We are also pleased to include an essay by Amy Zalman, CEO and president of the World Future Society, on governance as it relates to anticipating global trends.

Download the complete newsletter below.


The Dialogue is grateful to the Inter-American Development Bank for its crucial support of the Global Trends project.


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