Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics






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    School Reintegration for Vulnerable Youth

    This post is also available in: Español

    While access to education in Latin America has increased significantly, school dropout remains a critical issue, particularly among the vulnerable youth. One problematic consequence of the school dropout rates is the large number of youth who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET), known in Spanish as the “ninis.” This situation affects human capital development, and has become a key bottleneck towards achieving sustained growth in Latin American counties.

    There are several strategies to combat school dropout. Some of these techniques include: retaining students in the educational system and preventing school abandonment, reintegrating the dropouts to the formal educational system, and offering informal professional training. This policy brief focuses on school reintegration programs for Latin American youth, specifically analyzing characteristics of diverse programs currently in operation. The brief also includes examples of other regions in the world, as well as lessons learned about the limitations and potential gains of school reintegration programs for vulnerable youth.

    This policy brief is only available in Spanish

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