Rights Without Borders: A Commitment to Migrant and Refugee Children in the Americas

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Starting in 2022, the Inter-American Dialogue has initiated a line of work focused on migrant children. Within this framework, a working group has been formed, composed of diverse and relevant actors in the region, with the objective of building a regional consensus on the most effective mechanisms to guarantee the full exercise of the rights of migrant children.

The working group has begun its work and has identified certain priority areas for action to ensure that the effective enjoyment of the rights of children and adolescents has no borders. First, the group considers that it is necessary to build a regional framework for migration governance based on a human rights approach that incorporates the inalienable rights of migrant children and adolescents. This requires effective regional coordination and consensus-building mechanisms to agree on common short, medium and long-term objectives to fulfill these purposes. At the same time, it is essential to strengthen cooperation mechanisms in the area of governance and migration management – especially with regard to migrant children – and to ensure the necessary funding for the effective implementation of these objectives.

The document presented here identifies a series of priority actions that States, together with civil society and international organizations, should carry out to make progress in realizing the rights of migrant children.


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