Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities – Solid Waste in San Marcos, Guatemala

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The following presentation, prepared by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances and Development program of the Inter-American Dialogue, is part of the Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities project. The initiative seeks to promote socioeconomic inclusion in the municipalities of the department of San Marcos, Guatemala, and the municipality of Amatitlán, Guatemala.  

As part of the “environmental management” component of the Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities project, these slides present the results of a survey conducted in three municipalities in the department of San Marcos, Guatemala: San Marcos, San Antonio Sacatepéquez, and San Pedro Sacatepéquez. The survey evaluated waste practices, beliefs, and trends in more than 3,000 households through the recording of responses of more than 30,000 residents. In the presentation, Orozco presents the main findings of the survey and proposes recommendations aimed at improving environmental management in these municipalities.


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