Bolivia’s Constitution & Human Rights
When it comes to writing constitutions, Bolivia has experience. Its most recent, is the country’s seventeenth.
When it comes to writing constitutions, Bolivia has experience. Its most recent, is the country’s seventeenth.
Is press freedom seriously jeopardized in these countries or elsewhere in the region? What implications does it have for the state of democracy? Should regional bodies or other organizations be taking action? If so, how?
Bolivia’s success as one of the fastest growing economies in the past decade stems from its unique economic model.
Women are integral to the process of post-conflict reconstruction in Latin America. On Friday, January 23, 2009, a panel of four women leaders from Bolivia and Colombia discussed the role of women in promoting a culture of non-violence and peace-building in the region.
The purpose of this document is to give a review of the policies, programs and practices related to parental and community involvement in schools in seven Latin American countries: Bolivia , Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Washington’s economic and political reform agenda isn’t wrong. It’s just too narrowly conceived. To work, it must address Latin America’s pernicious and pervasive inequality and racism.
México, Guatemala y Bolivia, junto con Perú y Ecuador, son los países latinoamericanos que tienen el mayor peso continental de población indígena, lo que ha desafiado a sus sistemas educativos a incorporar la educación intercultural bilingüe. Se presentan aquí los casos de los tres primeros países mencionados, partiendo con México,…
Con una reforma en marcha desde 1994, Bolivia aspira a ir consolidando un sistema educativo que incorpore fuertemente los conceptos de interculturalidad y participación social. Descargue el documento completo abajo