
Venezuela: Humanitarian Crisis and Struggle for Democracy

On April 25, Julia Yansura spoke at an event hosted by the Inter-American Dialogue, the University of Notre Dame’s Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Washington Office on Latin America where she discussed the migratory crisis in Venezuela.

Julia Yansura

Event Summaries ˙


Outlook on Venezuela: The Roadmap to Recovery

On April 18, Michael Shifter participated in a panel discussion hosted by the NYU Brademas Center and NYU Washington, DC to analyze the Venezuelan crisis and the steps needed to rebuild the country.

Michael Shifter

Presentations ˙


A Conversation with Lenín Moreno

On April 16, the Inter-American Dialogue had the honor of hosting President Lenín Moreno of Ecuador during his visit to the United States. President Moreno provided insight into the steps his government is taking to resolve the countries fiscal deficit and his administration’s work with multilateral institutions, among other topics.

Pedro Garmendia

Event Summaries ˙

Is Cuba Hoping to Emulate China With Its New Constitution?

Far from a fundamental rethinking of the political framework, Cuba’s new constitution is a cautious attempt at salvaging a dysfunctional system.

Ricardo Barrios, Luis Carlos Battista

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review


Venezuela: Transition Interrupted?

On Thursday, April 25 the Inter-American Dialogue partnered with FIU’s Kimberly Green Latin America and Caribbean Center to host an event called “Transition Interrupted?” to discuss the Dialogue’s Venezuela Working Group’s most recent report that analyzes the potential for democratic change in Venezuela.

Leonie Rauls

Event Summaries ˙


Anti-Maduro Uprising Turns Violent in Venezuela

Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, was interviewed by CNN International on the anti-Maduro protests taking place in Venezuela as well as the role of Cuba in the Maduro regime.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN