
Democracia y justicia: Pasos para el cambio político

La justicia en Nicaragua es clave para el cambio democrático, sin embargo, es la transición democrática que permitirá la independencia institucional.

Manuel Orozco, Beryl Seiler

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Confidencial

Venezuela’s Oil Crisis Could Still Get Worse

Could Venezuela’s oil production decline even more steeply? Three evolving developments will largely determine the answer: whether creditors can seize assets in compensation for default, whether large numbers of oil workers continue to abandon their jobs, and whether the United States and other countries impose additional sanctions.

Lisa Viscidi, Nate Graham

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ World Politics Review

Maduro // File Photo: Venezuelan Government.

What Will Result From Venezuela’s Drone Explosions?

Venezuela’s government has made several arrests in what they say was an attempt to assassinate Maduro. What does it all mean?

Evan Ellis, Eva Golinger, Gustavo Roosen, Steve Ellner

Latin America Advisor ˙

Costa Rica: The state of teacher policies

In the past fifteen years, the Costa Rican education system has enacted important efforts in areas such as curricular reforms, better training and salary increases for in-service teachers, investments in infrastructure, support for vulnerable student populations and increases in teacher accreditation. However, there are actions and linkages remaining to achieve this qualitative jump.

Isabel Román Vega, Valeria Lentini

Reports ˙

military marching the streets

The Return of Latin America’s Military

Rebecca Bill Chavez warns in an article for the New York Times on that as we enter a global democratic recession, we must not ignore increasing trends of militarization in Latin America.

Rebecca Bill Chavez

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ New York Times

Trends in Central American Migration

Manuel Orozco analyzes the current trends in Central American immigration. Although it is a relatively new phenomenon, mostly dating from the late 1970s, its impact in the region and on foreign policy is quite significant.

Manuel Orozco, Andrew Thompson , Eileen Gavin

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Latin News

A Foreign Policy Full of Challenges

The new Colombian government outlined an ambitious domestic agenda that calls for jumpstarting the economy, consolidating the peace, and promoting social justice. The success of this agenda will depend on many factors, among them how Ivan Duque manages the many foreign policy challenges he will face in a world marked by great uncertainty.  

Michael Shifter

Articles & Op-Eds ˙ ˙ Semana


5.000 nicaragüenses tendrán que regresar a su país si no se extiende el TPS

En enero del 2019 más de 5.000 nicaragüenses deberán regresar a su país debido a la decisión del Gobierno de Donald Trump de revocar el estatus de protección temporal, conocido como TPS. Varios legisladores estadounidenses han presentado proyectos para frenar esta medida alegando que sería irresponsable mandar de regreso a personas en medio de una crisis. CNN habló con Manuel Orozco, director de Migración, Remesas y Desarrollo para el Diálogo Interamericano.

Manuel Orozco

Interviews ˙ ˙ CNN

Panama: The State of Teacher Policies

Despite recent advances, the Panamanian education system continues to suffer from chronic problems, and, increasingly, education has become a national concern. This report evaluates the current state of teacher policies and offers a set of recommendations for addressing existing challenges and bottlenecks.

Nanette Svenson

Reports ˙

Four years ago, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (right) met in Managua with President Daniel Ortega to praise the Central American country’s “forward-looking” energy policy. // Photo: United Nations.

Can External Actors Bring an End to Nicaragua’s Crisis?

As violence continues in Nicaragua, what is the international community doing? Can other countries do more, and should they?

Francisco Campbell, Kevin Casas-Zamora, Eduardo Ulibarri, Gavin Strong, Manuel Orozco

Latin America Advisor ˙

Shifter: Maduro “está jugando con fuego” al acusar a Colombia de intentar matarlo

Cuando el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, señaló a su par colombiano, Juan Manuel Santos, en el supuesto intento de asesinarlo el sábado, la ya desgastada relación entre sus países entró en una nueva fase imprevisible. Michael Shifter sostiene que Duque deberá ensayar un equilibrio difícil para evitar una escalada peligrosa de tensiones con Caracas.

Michael Shifter

Interviews ˙ ˙ BBC