The following memo from the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program provides a thorough update of transnational economic engagement throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
En el podcast En el fin del mundo, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, la directora del Programa sobre Estado de Derecho del Diálogo Interamericano, habló sobre alertas tempranas del declive democrático en América Latina, el rol del sector privado, la política del gobierno de Estados Unidos hacia la región, migración, transición democrática en Venezuela, el modelo de seguridad de Bukele, la influencia de China y más.
En entrevista para el programa La Repregunta en La Nación, Tamara Taraciuk Broner, directora del Programa Peter D. Bell sobre Estado de Derecho, conversó, entre otros asuntos, sobre la doble vara que algunos gobiernos aplican en política exterior en materia de derechos humanos, las elecciones en Guatemala, el rol de Papa Francisco ante dictaduras, las sanciones económicas de EEUU a Venezuela, el desafío de brindar seguridad democráticamente, cómo responder ante protestas violentas, y el rol del movimiento de derechos humanos.
Despite receiving a minority of political support, the balance of power is in favor of the regime who dominates the repressive apparatus and possesses economic resources to maintain control and seek a dynastic succession. The magnitude of repression, as well as the noise of various international conflicts, render international mobilization difficult. However, the international community must confer greater importance to the Nicaraguan crisis in the global agenda.
Listen to the contributing voices present at the OAS Migrant Children side event and learn more about the declaration’s relevance in promoting migrant and refugee children’s rights in the Americas.
La siguiente presentación publicada por el Diálogo Interamericano investiga la coyuntura económica actual en Nicaragua y refleja el análisis de Manuel Orozco, director del Programa de Migración, Remesas y Desarollo.
Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute, Kelly Gallego Massaro, president of ABRACAM-Associação Brasileira de Câmbio, and Sergio Sagastume, CEO of Amigo Paisano joined Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration and Remittances Program at the Inter-American Dialogue for this important panel.
Today, the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development Program releases the presentation “Family Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean 2023.” In the presentation, the program’s director, Manuel Orozco, analyzes the latest remittance data available for the region.
Manuel Orozco
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Rebecca Bill Chavez discusses the intersectional crisis in Latin America by assessing democracy, migration, and climate change in The Burn Bag podcast.
Rebecca Bill Chavez
Podcasts ˙
˙ The Burn Bag - National Security and Foreign Policy Redefined
The following presentation released by the Inter-American Dialogue’s Migration, Remittances, and Development program provides an overview of the project Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities.
Manuel Orozco
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The following presentation, prepared by Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances and Development program of the Inter-American Dialogue, is part of the Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities project. The initiative seeks to encourage socioeconomic inclusion in the municipalities of the department of San Marcos, Guatemala and the municipality of Amatitlán, Guatemala.
Manuel Orozco
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As part of the “environmental management” component of the Prosperity and Progress in Intermediate Cities project, these slides present the results of a survey conducted in three municipalities in the department of San Marcos, Guatemala: San Marcos, San Antonio Sacatepéquez, and San Pedro Sacatepéquez.
Manuel Orozco
Presentations ˙
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La decisión de eliminar el deslizamiento anual de uno por ciento o más de devaluación gradual del tipo de cambio es un control de precaución monetaria ante la creciente inflación asociada con un aumento de las importaciones y un mayor encarecimiento en 2024.
In an interview with Esta Semana and Confidencial, Manuel Orozco, director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program at the Inter-American Dialogue, spoke with Carlos F. Chamorro about the future of the remittance trends, migration from Nicaragua, the Nicaraguan economy, and the future of the Ortega regime.