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Nicaragua 2024 – Between the Silenced Majority and the Critical Constituency

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Dictatorial repression in 2024 will continue to cause irreversible social losses in Nicaragua. Thanks to migration and the flow of remittances, the economy will grow by inertia and not due to the economic policies from the Christian and solidarity-based government.

The population will remain grouped around three social sectors but with major changes. First, a minuscule pro-status quo core; a passive, pro-democratic, and silenced majority that has adapted itself but not complacent toward the system in the face of fear and repression; and a bloc that resists the dictatorship which still find ways to demand urgent changes.

The Ortega-Murillo regime will continue to exercise their political authority in the only way they have known since 2018: repression, imprisonment, corruption, fear, and expulsion.

To many in the international community, Nicaragua is already a lost cause. However, for an important group of countries and international institutions, the cause of democracy continues. Those who support this mission have a responsibility to nourish hope with concrete signs of pressure on the dictatorship.

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