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Multi-Sector Collaboration and Financing

Building a shared regional agenda: The financing of early childhood education and care services in Latin America

National Progress and Funding Gaps in Care and Education Services in Latin America: Findings and Recommendations from the Monterrey Workshop

This post is also available in: Español

On September 21 and 22, 2022, delegations from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, and the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, met in Monterrey (Mexico) to generate a consensus proposal on the financing of preschool education and child care and development services in Latin America. The objective of this proposal is to mobilize the commitment of governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and international cooperation with the necessary level of investment to ensure that all children have guaranteed access to inclusive and quality care, development, and education services from their first years of life.

During the workshop, each participating country summarized the progress made in terms of investment levels and coverage of quality services for early childhood education and care, as well as the recognition and dimensioning of existing gaps and the availability and need for additional financing in each case. To this end, information survey matrices were prepared on the initiatives underway, their characteristics, and the existing gaps to expand their scope and coverage, ensuring adequate levels of quality and inclusion, which are included in Annex I of this report together with the Workshop agenda and the list of participants.

Based on the information gathered there and the presentations and exchanges made at the workshop by the participating countries, this report summarizes the main findings and offers strategic reflections on the challenge of closing financing gaps for care and education services in the region.


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