Peru’s Path Forward: Navigating Political, Economic, and Global Dynamics

Catalina Botero Marino, dean of the Law School at Universidad de los Andes, was selected as one of the four co-chairs for the new oversight Board for Facebook. The company’s independent oversight body will focus on challenging content issues, such as areas of hate speech, harassment, and protecting people’s safety and privacy. An experienced attorney, Botero also served as special rapporteur for freedom of expression at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

In their co-authored piece in The New York Times, the Board co-chairs explained that they “will make final and binding decisions on whether specific content should be allowed or removed from Facebook and Instagram.” The authors noted that the entire reviewing process is “designed with transparency in mind. All of the oversight board’s decisions and recommendations will be made public, and Facebook must respond publicly to them. The members of the new body are “committed to demonstrating the value of an independent, principled and transparent oversight process and to serving the online community.”

Catalina Botero Marino is a Member of the Inter-American Dialogue.

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